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Songs: You're A Tory Now

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Is this an illusion?
Have I gone mad?
Or did you say that we should scrap
Inheritance tax?
When you say we need Austerity
To pay down the debt
And that cutting immigration
Will make Britain great again
I hope that you're a clone or from
A mirror Universe
The other explanation
Is much worse

You're a Tory now
And I don't know how
I can have stayed the same
While you have changed
And you're a Tory now

We went to the same classes
We joined in the same clubs
We read all the same comics
And we drank in the same pubs
We later met on marches
And we sang all the same songs
But somehow somewhere in between
Something went wrong

Cos you're a Tory now
And I don't know how
I can have stayed the same
While you have changed
And you're a Tory now

Or is it me?
Have I read the news too much?
Is it you who's being realistic?
And me who's out of touch?
It isn't.

None of this will change the fact
You're someone that I like
Despite your frankly bonkers views
About the miners' strike
Of course we are both adults
And friends can disagree
But please God do not tell me
You admire the ERG

Cos you're a Tory now
And I don't know how
I can have stayed the same
While you have changed
And you're a Tory now

Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing

At The Validators' Christmas Curry of 2019 Mrs E Pattison suggested we have a song about old friends who have changed and become annoying gits. This isn't QUITE that song, but it did strike a chord with me having recently had chums who occasionally come out with things they would NEVER have said in their 20s, and this song pretty fairly, I think, covers the issues involved.

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