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Songs: Why Don't We Talk About Comics?
notes / gigs / releasesWhy don't we talk about comics
In the same way that we do books?
We don't dismiss all books because
Some of them aren't good
Books can be fiction or non-fiction
Comics also handle the distinction
Two things that they both have in common are
Both are formats, neither is a genre
But comics aren't made by lone auteurs
Comics aren't read by connieseurs
Are these reasons adequate and ample?
Let's have a look at another example
Why don't we talk about comics
In the same way that we do plays?
They both combine the textual and visual
In interesting ways
Plays are made by multiple creators
Authors, actors, stage-crew and directors
Comics also come from a collective
Writers, artists, colourers and letterers
But theatre's high and comics are low
Why that is I do not know
Here's a thought that might be controversial
Could it be that comics are commercial?
Why don't we talk about comics
In the same way that we do films?
Both can be incredibly popular
Or have an audience of nil
Comics are the same as all these media
Why then are they deemed inferior?
If it's not to do with the medium
Could it be the people who are reading them?
Art's expensive, art's not cheap
Art must be kept out of reach
Art's exclusive art is posh
Art's not for the great unwashed
Why shouldn't I sit in first class
When I've got the same money as you
Why shouldn't I use some long words
Just because I went to a state school
I learnt everything from comics
I can understand an image with text
We are going to talk about comics
And then maybe society next
To conclude here’s my demand
The cultural canon must expand
Include comics in the roll call
Just don’t call them graphic novels
Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing
This was written in the very early stages of thinking about my 'Data and Doctor Doom' show, trying to put together all my thoughts about why pillocks look down on comics. I really liked, and like, it, but it just didn't fit with the overall show as it's so specific to comics when the show's covering all sorts of different media. It's a shame really as this is dead good to sing and get more and more annoyed about!