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Songs: Where Do All The Women Go To?

notes / gigs / releases

You got some speed
As a means to make the night go quicker
I said "Thanks, I'll stick with bitter"
"That's all i need"

So we got them in
Failed at finding friendly faces
Ended up in the same old place
And then you said to me

You said "Where do all the women go to?"
I said, "Well, if i knew"
"I certainly wouldn't be sitting here with you"

And as years go by
In a sea of beer we're sailing, wearing hair that lets the rain
Failing, though we try

To find out where the women go to
And if I ever knew
I forgot it while I was sitting here with you

We used to play at being playboys
Like a team we have a code
So we'd know there'd be no need for feeling guilty
If we left half the playboys on his own

And when it worked
When you fell in love and fell away from
Pump & Tap and Ox and Charlotte
It was always going to hurt

Because when you found out where the women go to
I guess i always knew
That it would spell the end of sitting here with you

Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing

This song is all true, largely based on conversations between myself and Dr Neil Brown or between myself and Mr Simon Wilkinson, and the events detailed are a mixture of nights out with one or both of them.

To me it's quite a touching little picture of a time in my life when I'd be out four or five nights a week drinking loads of beer (while other people were after speed) searching for GURLS to talk to and then being to scared to do anything about it when we did find any. That's a part of my life that went on far too long...

The "we used to play at being playboys" bit and the end is all because Simon started going out with someone and suddenly my main GURL HUNTING COLLEAGUE was gone and I was left with only half as many people to go to the pub with. It was something which, at the time, frightened the life out of me!

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