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Shop: Special Offers
Here's some EXTRA SPECIAL OFFERS for those of you who'd like to buy in BULK. As ever with our stuff postage is free (details here)!

Postman's Back Breaker Back Catalogue Gift Pack Attack
If you're coming to us new and want to catch up FAST, this is the way to do it - every CD (and one tape and one DVD) we've got in stock in one handy (if unweildy) package! Save money AND get several HOURS of high class ROCK ACTION with THIS thrilling package:
The Unearthly Beauty Of MJ Hibbett (USB)
20 Golden GRATES (cassette)
Still Valid
Forest Moon Of Enderby
Regardez, Ecoutez Et Repetez
It Only Works Because You're Here/My Exciting Life In ROCK
Better Things To Do
The Uberset
Warriors Of Nanpantan
Say It With Words
This is probably MORE Validators than anybody should dare to attempt without supervision!
This is probably MORE Validators than anybody should dare to attempt without supervision!