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Blog Archive: March 2025

Riding The Slides
Since last we spoke I have been toiling away on Data On Doctor Doom and am extremely happy, also a bit surprised, to report that the first draft is nearing completion! I've written LOADS of new songs which have been flooding out of my BRANE like nobody's business, which is all very exciting except for the rather alarming fact that these new songs have about 10,000,000 words EACH in them. On the one hand this makes it easier to EXPLAIN a lot of the stuff I need to explain, but on the other it's going to make it a a bit tricky to actually LEARN!

I'm now homing in on the ending, which I think is going to be a MEDLEY. This is lovely in TWO (2) ways. Firstly, it works as a fab way of summarising everything that has gone before - most of the songs are about an aspect of THEORY of DOOM HISTORY, and so they work quite nicely as BITS that draw it all together. Secondly, as it's just ME doing these songs I have felt even less impulse than usual to write them in different keys, which makes it MUCH easier to blend them all together! HA!

Rather than rush to the end, however, I'm now focussing on the SLIDES as a way to understand how it's all going to WORK. I've got myself an exciting FOOT PEDAL so that I can move slides along at the same time as singing, but the key bits are the slides BETWEEN songs, where I'm trying to explain what's going on from one section to the next. The show is going to basically be a long PRESENTATION, just with more songs and GAGS than usual, and what I always do for presentations is to get a general idea and then work it out with the slides. I'm hoping that doing it this way will give me time for THORT and consideration as the the grand IDEAS I'm going to express at the end, and also what order I shall be doing them in.

It's all very exciting, not least because I have now got a SECOND official booking for the show, at the Watford Fringe, where I shall be playing in July. Full ticket details and timings are still to be finally finalised, but it's definitely happening! There's another five or six gigs in various stages of submission at the moment, so hopefully you'll be able to see more of them appearing over the next few weeks on the Doom Dates list, but in the meantime the prospect of DOING these shows does rather INFER that I'll need a show to DO. I'd better fire up the Powerpoint again!

posted 11/3/2025 by MJ Hibbett
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A Trip To The Dentist
I went to the DENTIST on Wednesday and it felt as if I had somehow drifted into a NEAR FUTURE SATIRE.

For LO! I had to go private and there was MONEY involved. My local practice originally advertised itself as accepting NHS patients when it opened a few years ago but now the button to choose "NHS" on the booking form always flicks to "no appointments available" - I'm sure they DO have NHS appointments, but I guess it's like when a national retail outlet advertises a sale price of 50% off based on the fact that the item was doubled in price for 15 seconds at 3am in the branch on the Shetland Islands.

I hadn't been for a few years because my teeth, though they be peggy little Fenland affairs betraying a genetic history of Not Enough Great-Grandparents, are FINE. However over the past few days they have HURT and I thought "AHA! I shall be grown up and go to the dentist!" When I got there it seemed unnervingly similar to having an NHS appointment, with delays and receptionists SCOWLING at you, just with more contactless payments.

When I eventually DID get in it was all fine and delightful, except that everything the dentist said to me was followed by a PRICE. "We're going to need to do a couple of X-Rays," he said, "Which will cost £20 each". I mean, it was nice of him to forewarn me, but then he did it EVERY time, sometimes spending more time on the cost options than the diagnosis. "This will need a filling - these can cost between £150 and £300 depending on size and type" etc etc. It kept on happening and felt WEIRD, like (AS STATED) a SATIRE on the radio from the 1980s.

The worst of it was that I was in the GRIP of the dentist, and so not really in a position of NEGOTIATING STRENGTH, so when he said things like "You'll need to see the hygenist, which will cost £55 for a 30 minute consultation" I meekly agreed, rather than fulfilling my intent to REFUSE such appointments as I HATE the hygenist with their pointy metal PAIN PRODDERS. I would not for one moment suggest that they do it this way on purpose... but I bet they flipping do.

At the end of it all he gave me a PRESCRIPTION which had three of the same item on it (SPECIAL TOOTHPASTE). "Oh good", I thought, "that means I'll get three for the price of one prescription, at least THAT will save some cash" but OH NO. The very nice chemist round the corner very pleasantly explained that that's not the case for private prescriptions and you have to pay for each one seperately. I mean, FAIR ENOUGH I guess, but it is slightly suspicious that that's the only financial transaction the dentist did NOT explain in full. A cynic might suggest that that's because it was the only one that would be occuring away from their workplace, but I could not possibly comment.

In summary I now have new a) UNDERSTANDING of Americans starting funding schemes to pay for basic healthcare b) DISLIKE of dentistry beyond previous dislikes and c) GRATITUDE that the NHS exists still so that this isn't the NORM for other healthcare - for now, anyway.

Also: my teeth still hurt a bit, how is THAT even fair?!?

posted 6/3/2025 by MJ Hibbett
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Validators Re-United
I had the afternoon off work on Thursday last week because I had an Important Meeting to attend i.e. a Validators Curry in deepest Leicestershire. Executive Summary: it was GRATE!

I arrived at Leicester Station with some time to spare so went for a bit of a wander and was ASTONISHED to discover that The Market (i.e. one of the main features of Actual Leicester) had been demolished! This is like demolishing the WALL in York or something, I couldn't believe it! It's apparently been moved round the corner but it's completely changed the way that bit of town looked, with The Corn Exchange suddenly highlighted and looking Imposing - at least until you got close and discovered it is now a Weatherspoons - and the streets nearby suddenly exposed as Olde Worlde and Quaint. I lived in Leicester for over decade and that bit of town NEVER felt quaint, it was All Quite Unnerving!

I popped into Forbidden Planet to calm down, spent too much money, and then Mr T 'The Tiger' McClure picked me up in the Tigermobile for a trip to Woodhouse Eaves where we met The Pattisons. We then zoomed off to QUORN where we were joined by Frankie in the PUB for what turned out to be a ruddy DELIGHTFUL evening of generalised catching up and also LARFS.

In recent decades it has sometimes felt like the actual GIG bit of Validators gigs has got in the way of just hanging around in the pub together, and so recently we have been trialling replacing said gigs with CURRIES instead, and I must say it's working very well. We don't have to do soundchecks or arrange transport of gear, and we don't have to worry about whether we'll have time to get something to eat either. All right, we don't see so many PALS who've turned up to see us, but apart from that it is mostly ALL BENEFITS. Tom and I even got to visit a Fancy Supermarket to get some local BEERS to go with our curry, which was also DELICIOUS.

It was a lovely night full of LARKS and TOMFOOLERY. If any other bands of decades-long service are reading this I can highly recommend this policy, it really works!

posted 1/3/2025 by MJ Hibbett
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