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Blog: Glamourous London Lifestyles
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Anyway, I would rather have continued in that ENVIRON to be honest, but I had a MISSION to complete: the purchase of a Birthday Present that I should have purchased a while ago. My TARGET was Liberty's, which I arrived outside at 9.58am to discover it doesn't actually open until 10am. THUS i now know that hanging around outside Liberty's waiting for it to open with Posh Ladies is MORE embarrassing than waiting outside The Post Office with the Old LAdies, but LESS embarrassing than hanging around outside a PUB, on boxing day, with members of your family who are banging on the door wanting to start drinking NOW.
It was quite glamorous really, especially when I strode back towards WORK via London's Fashionable Soho, where I saw not one but TWO celebrities! First of all I crossed paths with TV's Paul Whitehouse, who looked a bit shifty, almost as if he was aware of people LOOKING at him and thinking "Cor, that's Paul Whitehouse". I had only JUST finished thinking "Cor, that's Paul Whitehouse" when I got onto Oxford Street and saw, sitting in an EAT, EATing, TOM BAKER OFF OF DOCTOR WHO! Wow! Also: ZANG!
All this LONDON GLAMOUR reminded me of the Smoke, A London Peculiar, a magazine which I REALLY enjoy reading and have recently sent an ARTICLE in for consideration. I looked it up and am now ALL EXCITED to see that not only is the next issue out VERY SOON, but also that MY BIT is definitely IN it! HOORAH! I can't WAIT to buy it and PONCE AROUND, SHOWING OFF!
Now, must finish typing this - I'm sure there's a SALON just WAITING for me to be CHARMING in!
posted 12/6/2009 by MJ Hibbett
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