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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 7
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Hello all, welcome to the SEVENTH issue of our MIND MANGLING newsletter. Let's make it HAPPEN!
This month I shall be playing the following places:
Sunday September 4th - Malcfest, Catford (Solo, on at about 3pm)
Thursday September 8th - The Living Room, Cambridge (Solo)
Saturday September 10th - The Avenue, Manchester (Validators, at the Retrovision convention)
Thursday September 15th - The Fox & Firkin, Lewisham (Solo)
Friday September 23rd - The Water Rats, London (Validators, supporting The Wood Children)
Getting RIGHT back into the swing of things this month! There may be other gigs coming up too - as usual, updates, links to venues, and other gigs further in the future will be at http://www.mjhibbett.com/gigs.htm, and if I've got your postcode I'll ALERT you to any late notice gigs in your area, utilising the ROCK DATABASE.
Just the one gig this month, in Birmingham at The Flapper & Firkin with the BRILLIANT Graham Parsnip Liquidiser Torture Think-tank (Project). They were FANTASTIC, and I must say I really enjoyed my OWN bit of the gig too - HOORAY!
MUCH action on this front! The "Zipcodes" cassette is now fully FINISHED and sounding good - I'm waiting to hear from PopGun Recordings about how I should send it to them, so hopefully they'll still be putting it out, otherwise I guess I'll do it myself! PLANS to release a limited edition solo LIVE ALBUM also continue apace, and there should be more news on this next time.
The BIG news, however, is that last week Team Validator DECAMPED to distant CORNWALL, to The Propagation House to record the NEW ALBUM. We had a LOVELY time, harmony reigned throughout, and we all got thoroughly INTO it. We must have been doing something right, as over six days we managed to record 14 SONGS, with the help of Mr Mark Ellis, the owner and engineer. Terms such as "Driving The Session", "Beer O'Clock" and "Moustache" entered our daily vocabulary, and I must say we're EXTREMELY pleased with what we've got done. It's all rather UPTEMO and URGENT, and there's some surprisingly LOVELY bits in it. The title has now changed to "A Fridge Full Of Nice Things", as "Mental Judo" didn't really WORK anymore once we'd finished the songs, and the final version will probably end up having 12 tracks on it. The next step is to actually MIX it, which Mr Frankie Machine will be doing at home over the next couple of months, ready for RELEASE early in the New Year.
Here's the song titles, in (rough) order of RECORDING: "Quality Of Life Enhancement Device", "Never Going Back To Aldi's", "The Gay Train", "Better Things To Do", "The Lesson Of The Smiths", "Breaks In The Journey", "Mental Judo", "Looking At My Hands", "Girlfriend Alarmed", "The Fight For History", "Tell Me Something You Do Like", "The Other Rush Hour", "The Advent Calendar Of FACT" and "We Only Ever Meet In Church". LOTS, aren't there?
Marcelle van Hoof has played "Fcuking Hippy" and "Walkman In My Head" on her show Another Nice Mess in The Netherlands - you can listen to the show at http://www.anothernicemess.com, it's DEAD GOOD. She's played quite a bit of AAS stuff just lately, and me, Frankie Machine, and Plans & Apologies are all recording sessions for her... I'll let you know how it goes!
Amidst all the recording excitement, we've also got some new MERCHANDISING on the way, in the shape of some brand new Hey Hey 16K t-shirts. We'll hopefully be "launching" these at the Retrovision convention in Manchester this month, and then we'll have them available for sale on the webpage. More news on this one next time!
That's that for now then, thanks for listening, more news (and not news) on the webpage and more FACT next month!
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