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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 58
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Hello everybody, and welcome to this PRE-ADVENT Newsletter. Let's wrap up warm and get going!
Tuesday December 1 - The Lamb, London
(Totally Acoustic, with Simon Fox and Pete Green)
Sunday December 13 - The Hope & Anchor, London
(PopArt Christmas Party, Validators on at 6.30pm)
Thursday December 17 - The Wilmington Arms, London
(with Airport Girl, Former Utopia and more, tickets from http://www.wegottickets.com/event/63852)
Saturday December 19 - The Jericho Tavern, Oxford
(with Project Adorno, Superman Revenge Squad and loads more. I'm on at 8.15pm, tickets from http://www.wegottickets.com/f/1211)
Check http://www.mjhibbett.net/gigs/gigs.htm for further details.
It's been a BUSY month, including TWO trips to Croydon, a fantastic bill at Pic'n'Mixx, a lawyer-busting tribute to Bruce Springsteen, indie legends in Herne Hill, a DJ set in Shoreditch and a fill-in for George Michael in Brixton.
Most of all though this was the month when me, Tim and Frankie TOURED GERMANY. We had the MOST fun in Berlin, Dresden and then back in Berlin - we drank GALLONS of FREE BEER, got stopped by the COPS on the autobahn, SLEPT TOGETHER, became regulars in a kebab house, went sightseeing, bought Traditional CAKE, went down a ski slope backwards and were stunned to find LOADS of Germans who knew the words to "Clubbing In The Week". Our HUGE thanks to Mr Martin Petersdorf who sorted it all out for us - sir, we SALUTE you!
"The Christmas Blues EP", featuring Mr Huw, mertle, Lost Boy Scout, Filipino Dream Girls and ME is out TODAY! It's the first release from Helen Llewelyn Product Nineteen, with my track being the previously mentioned "Got You What You Want For Christmas". There's a 7 inch vinyl version but my song's only available on the download version, which you should be able to get from Most Reputable Download Stores RIGHT NOW!
Meanwhile work continues on "Dinosaur Planet: The Concept Album" - we've learnt nearly all of the songs and I'm off to Derby tonight to do some overdubs on a batch of them. Most of the VOICE CAST has been recruited too, and I'm hoping to get started on THAT in the New Year.
Thanks LOADS to everyone who's sent me clips for the "Got You What You Want For Christmas" video. I had SO many that I'm going to have to make two seperate videos - one for the Gentlemen, one for the Ladies. It will be a) a fascinating analysis of gender differences in yuletide expectations and b) UTTERLY GRATE. It should be ready in a week or so, stand by your inboxes for a big ALERT as soon as it's done!
Talking of Christmas, those delightful people at Maps Magazine will be doing another Advent Calendar tomorrow, which will have a Brand New Recording by yours truly amongst the GIFTS. I'm not sure what day my bit's going to be there, but you can start opening doors TOMORROW from http://www.mapsmagazine.co.uk/
Impossible tho it may be to believe, it's TEN YEARS since our BASS FIEND Mr Francis Albert Machine released his own debut solo single, "Why Are You?" To celebrate he's put the whole thing online for free, and you can download it from http://www.frankiemachine.com/html/news.htm . I would HEARTILY recommend you do so, it is a thing of ASTOUNDING BEAUTY.
And finally, I've been doing some work tidying up our various online PRESENCES. Not only can you FOLLOW me at www.twitter.com/mjhibbett (and get the VERY LATEST complaints about our public transport system) you can also become a FACEBOOK FAN of ours at http://www.facebook.com/pages/MJ-Hibbett-The-Validators/8843359323 . Who SAYS we're not living in The Future?
All right then, that's more than enough of that, thanks for listening and see you next time!
< issue 57 | issue 59 > |