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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 43
< issue 42 | issue 44 > |
Hello all, and welcome to this OFF TO THE STATION edition of the newsletter. Let's GO!
This month I shall be playing actual GIGS as follows:
Friday August 29 - Actress & Bishop, Birmingham
(With The Graham Parsnip Liquidiser Torture Think-Tank)
Saturday August 30 - Ray's Mum's Back Garden, Stourbridge
(The Grand Annual Tradition CONTINUES!)
Tuesday September 9 - The Green Dragon, London
(Freedom Of Expression)
Tuesday September 16 - The Lamb, London
(Totally Acoustic with Mr Owen Tromans)
Thursday September 18 - Buffalo Bar, London
(The Validators!! With Life In Film and Fcuk Dress)
More details, as ever, at http://www.mjhibbett.net/gigs/gigs.htm
We had a BLOODY GRATE time up at The Edinburgh Fringe. Six shows, three lots of busking, one radio session on XFM, a walk up Arthur's Seat and, basically, GOOD TIMES all round. We went to loads of gigs, ate curry, drank beer, watched daytime telly, got up at midday, and basically lived the life of a student. It was MUCH fun, with the highlight possibly being broadcasting LIVE into Steve Lamacq's 6Music show on the Wednesday, it was a technical feat which we were ALL amazed to carry off! Thanks everyone who came and hopefully see you next year!
We're now turning our attention once more to the NEXT album, with a SESSION booked in a couple of weeks where we'll also be recording our version of "Glory Days" by Mr Bruce Springsteen for a forthcoming compilation. In the meantime, "It Only Works Because You're Here" is still very much available from us HERE:
It's also on Amazon, TheeSpC, HMV, iTunes and all that sort of thing, so if you'd like one it should be easy to get hold of!
As well as being on Jim Gellatly's XFM show and with Mr Lamacq, I was also on "Toast The Nation" on the 6Music Breakfast Show, where Wes Butters was sitting in. It was a little different to the other shows.
I've written a JINGLE for Mr Bob Fischer's "Conkers Bonkers" feature on his radio show, which I think will be being used next month, and have been BEAVERING away on another song for adverts, this time about the history of data storage. It MAY be being turned into a viral advert, I've got to wait and see if they like it!
And finally, does anyone fancy doing some DJing? I'm doing my first ever DJ SET next month at The Hangover Lounge in That London, and they've asked me to find someone else to do an hour's set with me. THUS, if you're free during the daytime on October 12th and fancy doing a SET simply reply with the answer to the following question:
Which Validators' track would you play during an afternoon discotheque? And why?
Closing date is... er... in a couple of weeks!
And that's about the lot for now - I'm off to catch the slow train to Brum so thanks for listening, and see you next month!
< issue 42 | issue 44 > |