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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 28
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Hello all, and welcome to this too too funky TWENTY EIGHTH issue of our SUMMER SALUTING NEWSLETTER. Let's allow it to OCCUR shall we?
This month we shall be playing the following places:
Friday June 1 - Sumo, Leicester
(Special set of songs from the 30's and 40's)
Saturday June 2 - Carpe Diem, Leeds
(The Validators, with Lusk and Ben Calvert)
Saturday June 9 - LLAMA Lynton & Lynmouth Music Festival, Devon
(The Crown Hotel, Queen Street Stage at 8.30pm)
Sunday June 10 - LLAMA Lynton & Lynmouth Music Festival, Devon
(Woody Bay Station at about 3pm)
Monday June 11 - Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes, London
(Onstage first, with The Epitones and The Little Things)
Friday June 22 - The Spitz, London
(Guest appearance at the Back In Time event)
Further details for all these are at http://www.mjhibbett.net/gigs/gigs.htm .
I had a GRATE night at The Henry Holland doing my Totally Acoustic SCHTICK at the start of the month, an (as usual) LOVELY afternoon in Sheffield on the bank holiday, my first ever visit to Newcastle a few weeks later and then finished off with Traditional Abbey Park Festival weather in Leicester at The Firebug. All good!
Our EXCITING new single, "The Lesson Of The Smiths/The Gay Train" came out last month, and has been bobbing along rather nicely with quite a bit of radio play and some very kind words spread over the interweb. If you want to read some of them, or indeed PURCHASE the single itself, you'll find all you need to know at http://www.mjhibbett.net/releases/thelessonofthesmiths.htm , including a link to the iTunes version, with the Special B-side "Hey Hey 64K". Call me biased if you will, but I think it's all Quite Good!
Meanwhile, alert the GODS OF ROCK for LO! new recording sessions have BEGUN! Myself and The Rhythm Section met up in Derby this month to do Basic Tracks for five songs, with me and Tom "The Tiger" McClure returning this weekend to do some overdubs. So far it is sounding (can you guess?) GRATE! Current thinking is to release an EP later this year with the album to follow in 2008, but as ever this is subject to us actually getting ON with it.
I also popped in to Studio Sonic the other day to record some new songs - some of these will be used as demos for the band, others may well be used AS IS on the aforementioned EP, including a rather ACE one which has been BANJO augmented by A Legend Of Indie Rock!
As mentioned last time, Mr Steve Lamacq DID play "The Lesson Of The Smiths" on his Radio 2 show, which was VERY exciting. I've also done a couple of Radio Sessions this month, for Shadowplayboys on SURE (the Sheffield University Station) and with Bob Fischer for his show on BBC Tees. I think this'll be being broadcast quite soon - I'll ALERT people via the blog when I know more.
We also ventured further into the Futuristic World of PODCASTING, with an appearance on the Contrast Podcast (http://www.timyoung.net/contrast/?p=133) where "The Lesson Of The Smiths" was suggested by those nice people at Spoilt Victorian Child (http://www.spoiltvictorianchild.co.uk), who also spoke very kindly of us.
There seems to be something of a RUSH on new songs at the moment, with THREE more appearing this month - you can see them at http://www.mjhibbett.net/songs/new.htm, and you can hear at least one of them over on our new YouTube Channel, http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=MJHibbett , where I'm planning to do a few UKELELE songs. I started doing this in response to a call in Word Magazine for people to cover modern pop songs on old fashioned instruments as part of a competition to play at The Cornbury Festival - three weeks in and I'm STILL the only entrant - and enjoyed it so much I thought I might as well carry on!
And that's the lot for this time - do please check the website (http://www.mjhibbett.net) for updates as the month progresses and hopefully see you back here in just over four weeks for more FACT!
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