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Blog: Enfranchised Excitement

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My household was up EARLY today to head off and cast our votes - it was VERY EXCITING INDEED. I always get excited about voting. Anyone who says it's "boring" is, frankly, an idiot - it's direct participation in the future direction of the NATION! As i walked round town at lunchtime i thought "Wow! Most of the people here have either VOTED already, or will be off to do it later - nearly EVERYONE is thinking about their own personal priorities for how the NATION should be run for the next several years!" It's GRATE!

There was FUN when we arrived, as The Ballots In My Box decided she'd have a careful read of the DETAILS of candidates posted outside, just to check that the person she was going to was the right one. "I'm still not quite decided" she said LOUDLY. Stood just behind us were the counters from Labour and LibDems who were VISIBLY biting their tongues at this point - here was a self-proclaimed undecided voter, and they were legally DISALLOWED from saying ANYTHING to her about it! HA! SUFFER!

Votes were cast and we STRODE out, feeling RIGHTEOUS and just a little bit more ADULT and INVOLVED than we had before (well, I did anyway). At lunchtime I popped out and got some SALAD CREAM so that i can make my Traditional Election Night Snack of Hula Hoops, Cheese and Salad Cream (it is DELICIOUS) to see me through what will, hopefully, be an EXCITING night ahead. Hey, it's got to be more thrilling than the last one, right?

See you on the other side, FELLOW ELECTORATE!

posted 5/5/2005 by MJ Hibbett

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