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Blog: Hibbett's Three Laws Of Robotics
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In amongst the deranged scrawls there were a few good ideas, like some ideas for songs, a few GAGS I'd forgotten about for the Doctor Doom Show, and a LOT of plans and schemes for a massive science fiction opus about a SPACE TREE that I should really get around to writing up properly one day. There was also something called "Hibbett's Three Laws Of Robotics" which I quite liked but have no real use for... except of course to delight you with today, dear reader. Here they are!
Hibbett's Three Laws Of Robotics
- It's not going to look or act like a robot on the telly./li>
- If it does then it's not actually going to be intelligent.
- If it is then DO NOT SWITCH IT ON.
Clearly these were written after watching a LOT of TV shows where people who have never seen a science fiction film or read a book of any kind talk confidently and entirely wrongly about Artificiial Intelligence. I hope these rules will be useful to future generations - especially the third one!
posted 1/12/2024 by MJ Hibbett
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