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Blog: Influencer Level Unlocked

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I am happy to report that myself and Mr John Dredge have this week reached a whole new level with our podcast The Funny Comics Fan Club, for LO! we are now INFLUENCERS!

Yes, you read that correctly - me and John are now being approached by organisations (well, AN organisation) desperate (I assume) for us to promote their wares for them. The TYPE of organisation is, of course, one involved in FASHION WEAR which will be of no surprise to anyone who has ever seen either or both of us casually draping ourselves in the latest must-have "togs", but I must say it was quite a nice surprise to us.

What happened was that we got an email from Apparel of Laughs asking if we'd like a couple of free t-shirts in exchange for a mention on the show. They have the actual official licence from Rebellion to make t-shirts featuring the old IPC kids' titles and, as you can see on their website, they have done a LOVELY job with titles like Buster, Oink, Tammy, Misty and so on. We of course said "YES PLEASE" and the shirts arrived yesterday afternoon, just before I was heading off to meet John to record a new episode. This, of course, led to a FASHION SHOOT, and I am very happy to share some of the ensuing shots BELOW:

Mark and John wearing Apparel Of Laughs t-shirt
John wearing Apparel Of Laughs t-shirts Mark wearing Apparel Of Laughs t-shirts

As I'm sure you will agree, we are NATURALS at this and so, in order to help boost the economy and raise national morale, we are prepared to entertain further offers for either ENDORSEMENTS or MODELLING.

We also recorded an ADVERT for a future episode of the show. As regular listeners will be aware we usually include one in each show based on an actual advert in one of the comics we've looked at, so it felt a bit weird to do it FOR REAL. I've not started editing this episode yet, but I might have to include a bit where we tell people that this really IS an advert for something they can buy, rather than an offer for 6,000 Stamps Of All Nations that you could have sent a postal order off for about forty years ago.

That's all to come in a few weeks, but for now please gaze in wonder at our mighty selves above, and thanks very much INDEED to Apparel of Laughs for the t-shirts, they really are very nice indeed!

posted 3/10/2024 by MJ Hibbett

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could you not have ironed the shirts before wearing them?
posted 11/10/2024 by I'd insist on that in the apparel agreement.

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