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Blog: Monday To Friday

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It feels like AGES since Mr John Dredge and I completed the first series of The Dredge/Hibbett Conunundrum but we have not been IDLE in the time since, for LO! we have been busy writing, filming, re-filming and now UNLEASHING a whole new WEB SERIES called 'Monday To Friday', the first episode of which is out TODAY, HERE:

The next one will be out on Wednesday with the final episode on Friday (Monday to Friday - clever!), and you can keep up with the SCHEDULE by a) following me and/or John on twitter or b) LIKING our Facebook page where all of them will be appearing.

However you SOURCE the series I hope you enjoy it - it's taken a while to get sorted but I think it's pretty good!

posted 4/4/2016 by MJ Hibbett

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