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Blog: Release Day!

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At last it's here, after over three years of writing, recording, performing and Sending Stern Emails, Dinosaur Planet is officially released!


In this day and age the actual release day doesn't mean a huge amount - I don't think it's even IN any Old Fashioned Record Shops, so those of you who have been camping out outside them all night have probably gone home slightly disappointed by now, and you've been able to pre-order it (or just BUY it direct from us) for AGES. However, today's the day we traditionall HANG all sorts of stuff on, and all sorts of stuff has indeed been HUNG!

For instance, I've gone ADVERTISING KRAZY and bid for adverts on my THREE favourite online comics - Hark A Vagrant, Scarygoround and, obviously, Dinosaur Comics. It's a bidding system thingy, so they may not be on there all the time, but they ALL were when I looked just now and it looked VERY exciting! We're also doing some Facebook advertising to promote the facebook page, but I'm not entirely sure how, of if, that works!

Meanwhile a further flurry of PRESS RELEASES went out (which you can read here, if you're so inclined) to radio, press, websites and blogs all over the world. I've still got my fingers crossed for a few more reviews, and hopefully a bit of radio play too!

That's the other thing about release day though - this is an album, not a single or a telly programme, so doesn't live or die on what happens TODAY. I don't think ANY of "our" magazines are released today, and there's radio shows all week that I've got my eye on, and then of course we've got METRIC TONNES of activities planned over the next couple of months, not least of which is the launch gig on Thursday.

But still, it IS release day - a day which, at various points over the past three years, I wondered if I'd ever SEE - and that is in itself something which I think is very much worth celebrating! SO - let us raise a TOAST (of whatever you have to hand) to all those people who came to see the shows, either with me and Steve or just me alone, everyone who said "No, that doesn't sound like a stupid idea, honest", and especially to everyone who helped to MAKE it, Validators, cast members, engineers and artists alike. Thank you all VERY much for letting it happen, and here's to a whole STARCRAFT LOAD of GOOD TIMES ahead!

posted 23/1/2012 by MJ Hibbett

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