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Blog: Pre-Germany Round-up

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Ooh, it was EVER so exciting watching all the news reports about the anniversary of The Berlin Wall falling down yesterday. "I had a big poster on my wall of Lego people breaking down a Lego Berlin Wall!" i told The Studs On My Brick... for the nine millionth time. I managed NOT to tell the story of myself and Dr Brown officiating on a three-legged pub crawl the next night (we met a couple dressed AS The Berlin Wall who had been bought drinks everywhere they went and were reducing people to TEARS OF JOY) as i have possibly OVER-TOLD that one... tho I feel I may be wheeling it out again next week.

Because YES! Part of the reason for the excitement was that we will BE in Berlin on Thursday, ROCKING IT UP! Who could have guessed, five or six years ago when Communism held sway (and SHAME on the BBC for saying it was twenty years ago: IMPOSSIBLE!) that one day a Unified Germany could host The Validators? It would have been beyond anybody's WILDEST dreams!

Anyway, before the preparations go into OVERDRIVE here's a few ITEMS:
ITEM! I've recently added LOADS more gigs to the GIGS PAGE, not least a Prestigious Support Slot with The Television Personalities next week (Thursday 19, The Half Moon in Herne Hill) and a whole SLEW of Christmas gigs.

ITEM! I've already had a PILE of Videos for the Christmas single. Thanks very much everybody, do please keep them coming, it's going to be GRATE!

ITEM! A review of the new single in FRENCH is HERE!. I did Google Translation on it, and rather delightfully it called our new album Look, Listen And Repeat.

ITEM! There's a lovely interview with Jimmy from The Bobby McGees over at A Fog Of Ideas in which he says, basically, i am better than GHANDI. I, of course, couldn't possibly comment.

ITEM! That nice Mr Dave Gorman mentions my JINGLE for him over his blog. Apparently he played my second one this week too!
And that's the lot for the minute, I think. Now, to the SUITCASE!

posted 10/11/2009 by MJ Hibbett

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"ITEM! A review of the new single in FRENCH is HERE!."

I was momentarily confused. I thought someone had covered the song in French, and then it had been reviewed!
posted 11/11/2009 by Dan H

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