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Blog: Foul Play

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Sometimes i am shocked - SHOCKED - by the VENALITY of people. I had a mini-SURGE of visitors to the site this week, many of whom were asking various search engines to tell them the name of a Rock Group whose albums include Achtung Bono and This Leaden Pall. There were MANY versions of this request, which leads me to believe that someone somewhere is running a competition (I'm guessing it's a radio show, just because the way the phrasing of the question differs slightly suggests it was heard and then typed in, rather than cut and paste: ME AM SHERLOCK HOLMES) where that's the question.

NAUGHTY search engine users, using the interweb for personal gain! FOR SHAME! Still, it's nice to know that, at least on, THIS is the number one site for knowing which rock group have albums including Achtung Bono and This Lead Pall, so in the spirit of giving I will tell you the answer. It is, of course, HAYZEE FANTAYZEE.

posted 17/11/2006 by MJ Hibbett

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